If you have any questions on the temporary move of the Pre-school class to Calais Elementary, for the school year 2013-2014; please come to the School Board Meeting on Monday May 20th at 6:30 pm
A Copy of the letter that was sent to parents is posted bellow.
many thanks,
Flor Diaz Smith
Oversight Committe and School Board Member
East Montpelier Elementary School
665 Vincent Flats
East Montpelier,
VT 05651
Marion Anastasia, Ed.D., Principal Alicia
Lyford, M.Ed., Assistant Principal
May 6, 2013
Dear Parents of 2013-2014 EMES Pre-Kindergarten Students;
Welcome to the East Montpelier
Elementary School!
We are excited to have our
youngest learners join our community!
EMES Renovations
As you know, we are going to start our renovations this summer,
with the construction continuing until the fall of 2014-2015. For those of you who have 3-year
olds, that means that they will have a brand new pre-kindergarten classroom for
their 2nd year of pre-kindergarten; and the present 4 -year olds
will have a brand new kindergarten classroom! Naturally, the construction brings challenges for next
year. Given that pre-kindergarten
has unique needs, we face barriers for space that is appropriate to ensure licensing
regulations. To address
this, we have worked with the Calais school board, principal, and pre-kindergarten
teacher to brainstorm an alternate space for one year only. The Boards are happy to work with
one another to accommodate the needs of the EMES pre-kindergarten
Although the discussion has been at the board level, they
are crafting a Memorandum of Understanding for a one- year rental of space for
the EMES pre-kindergarten program.
The boards will act on this during their regularly scheduled May Board
meetings. (EMES May 20th
& Calais May 22nd)
We have crafted the following plan for scheduling pre-kindergarten
for the 2013-2014 year.
4-Year Old
(10 hour) Program: Mondays-Tuesdays- Thursdays: (8:40-12:00) This session will be combining the Calais and
East Montpelier pre-kindergarten 4-year olds. (Students that turn 4 by September 1st, 2013.)
3-Year Old
(10 hour) Program: Monday-Tuesdays-Thursdays: (12:15-3:35) This session is for EMES students. (Students
that turn 3 by September 1st 2013.)
– Fridays: Regularly scheduled Calais 3-year old program; 6 hours/40
minutes a week.

Transportation is currently provided
one-way through the EMES program; we will continue to offer this level of
The 4-year olds can ride their regularly
scheduled EMES bus route to EMES in the morning. When they arrive at EMES, they will be greeted and board a
bus to Calais School with the supervision of a paraeducator. (Afternoon transportation provided by
Ø The
3-year olds can ride a bus from Calais School after the pre-kindergarten
program to EMES, with supervision.
From EMES, they can ride their regularly scheduled EMES bus route
home. (Morning transportation
provided by parents.)
After Care
care can be provided through the Community Connections program at Calais
Meeting with Pre-Kindergarten Families
Since there are many logistics to be considered at the
family and individual levels, we would like to meet with you on Wednesday, May 22nd at 5:30 at
Calais School in the pre-kindergarten classroom. At this meeting, we can answer any questions you have,
confirm your child’s attendance in
either the 3- year old or the 4 -year old program, after care needs, and
you have attended the pre-kindergarten screening at EMES, we would like to hear
from you to confirm your interest.
If you cannot attend the meeting on May 22nd,
but plan on having your child attend
pre-kindergarten, please call Jane Badger at 223-7936 to confirm the
session your child will attend, if your child will access the 1-way transportation
and if you are interested in after-care. To ensure a space for your child, we need this
information by May 23, 2013 so that we can appropriately staff the programs!
If you do not plan on having your child
attend, please call Jane Badger at 223-7936, as well!
I look forward to meeting you!
Marion Anastasia, EMES Principal
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