They are full guns out in the addition! (Contractor language!)
First coat of paint in the new offices, library and cafeteria.
They are working on the library addition floors now and the entry way recess matt slabs.
The Stage Curtain was hanged yesterday.
We did some testing on the temporary parking area today, were we have some heaving from frost.
We continue to work on the final update for the Fire Water Pond.
The new kitchen equipment is on site.
The new marmoleum flooring will start to be installed this week.
The Structural engineer came to review the structure in Phase III and he was happy with everything.
The Beam bearing was reviewed and he will send us a site visit report.
cafeteria with the new green and mayan gold on the walls!
Thank you Wright and Morrisey and Truex Cullins for all your hard work!!
Thank you Bill Ford too!
Thank you to you East Montpelier for your support and your patience!!
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