Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Message from East Montpelier Principal / NEW TEMPORARY ENTRANCE

Happy New Year, EMES Families and Staff!

  • When you arrive at EMES tomorrow morning, you will notice that the main entrance is no longer accessible.  Students will enter at the main doors of the new wing.   We have created a crossing section at the new entrance for students to cross safely when exiting/boarding the buses.  Students that are being dropped off in the parent loop will also cross at the designated crossing section.   Alicia and I will be outside, as usual, to help navigate the new crossing paths.  
  • If you are parking at EMES and coming inside with your child, you can park in the usual short term parking area.  You will have to walk around the front of the building and into the new front entrance.  The paths will be clearly marked for you.  
  •  The classrooms/offices  effected by the move include: Kindergarten, First Grade, Mrs. Gannon's Homeroom, Music, Nurse's Office, Main Office, School Counselor, and Community Connections.  EMES teachers will be visible in the entrance way so that students are guided to their new locations, if applicable. You will continue to sign in/out your child when arriving late or dismissing early at the main office.  You will see the temporary offices as you enter the building on the left!  
  • I hope you had a wonderful holiday season.  We are eager to greet your children back after this long break and start the new year!  Please come check out the construction progress!  A comprehensive construction update will be included in the next EMES Newsletter on January 10th
Warmly, Marion

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